Swell Test Apparatus Manual |
CODE NO. - NTI-SI-027 |
Swell Test Apparatus Manual
It is designed to determine the swelling pressure
developed by soil specimens moulded to desired densities at known moisture
contents, when soaked in water. The load applied to restrain the swelling is
transferred to a load measuring proving ring through a perforated swell
plate and a load transfer bar. The proving ring is attached to the lead
screw of hand operated load frame. A soaking tank is provided for saturating
the specimen and the base of the mould has channels and radial grooves with
connecting holes.
It consist of the following
- Capacity 50 kN (5,000kgf)
- Mould, 100 mm dia x 127.3 mm height (1,000 ml volume) with
base plate and collar
- Proving Ring, with integral boss, high sensitivity 2.5 kN
(250 kgf) capacity, with calibration chart
- Dial Gauge, 25 mm travel, 0.01 mm least count
- Perforated Swell Plate, 100 mm dia x 16 mm thick
- Spacer, 100 mm dia x 12.7 mm thick
- Pair of Porous Stones, 100 mm dia x 12.7 mm thick
- Load Transfer Bar
- Steel Ball
- Soaking Tank250 mm dia x 210 mm high
Laboratory Vane Shear Apparatus |
CODE NO. - NTI-SI-028 |
Laboratory Vane Shear Apparatus
Consists of a torque head, adjustable in height by
means of a lead screw rotated by a drive wheel to enable the vane to be
lowered into the specimen. Rotation of the vane is by means of an electric
motor which operates a worm gear arrangement turning the upper end of a
calibrated torsion spring. The vane shaft is attached through the hollow
upper shaft to a reset table pointer which indicates the angle of torque on
a dial graduated in degrees. The dial reading multiplied by spring factor
gives the torque.
Meets:-IS: 2720 (Part 30)-1980
We have the following options.
- Laboratory Vane Shear Apparatus Motorised.
Rate of rotation: 1/60 rpm, operates on 230, 50 Hz, Single Phase, AC
supply Supplied complete with Container 1 No. Set of 3 Springs, each of
capacity 2 kg-cm, 4 kg-cm and 8 kg-cm, 2 Sets (complete with a wooden
carrying case)
Extra Stand, for use at the site
- Vane Shear Apparatus, Laboratory, manual
Same as above but operation is manual
- In-situ Vane Shear Apparatus,
Capacity 2000kg, gear type
Plate Bearing Capacity, with 30, 45, 60 cm sqr.
Chequered plates and accessories
The Plate Bearing Test is essentially a model test
of foundations and gives the load deformation characteristics for
determining the ultimate bearing capacity of foundations. This test is a
standard technique for determining bearing capacity of soils and the results
of other methods are compared and calibrated with the values obtained with
plate bearing test. In this method, a steel plate is subjected to a gradual
increment of load and the corresponding settlement is noted. The Ultimate
Bearing Capacity is taken as the load at which the settlement increases at a
rapid rate.
- Load Truss 200kN (20,000 kgf)
- Load Truss 300kN (30,000 kgf)
- Load Truss 500kN (50,000 kgf)
Soil Hydrometer
It consists of clear transparent glass having
uniform clarity through out the hydrometer which density scale is engraved.
The scale range is 0.995 to 1.030 densities (gms/ml) at 27 degree
Relative Density Test Apparatus |
CODE NO. - NTI-SI-031 |
Relative Density Test Apparatus
The equipment is used for the determination of the
relative density of cohesion less free draining soils and meets the
essential requirements.
The equipment consists one each of: Vibratory table, with a cushioned steel
vibrating decks about 75cm x 75cm. It has a frequency of approximately 3600
vibratory table, minute under an 11.5kg load. Amplitude is variable in
between 0.65mm in step of 0.05 to 0.25mm, 0.25 to 0.45 mm and 0.45 to
0.65mm. Suitable for operations on 415Volts, Three Phase supply. Cylindrical
metal mould weight's 3000ml Capacity. Guide sleeve with clamp assembly.
Surcharges base plate for mould. Handle for surcharge base plate. Surcharge
weight. The total weight together with surcharge base plate and handle is
equipment to 140 kg. /sq. cm. For mould. Cylindrical metal mould weight's
15000 ml. capacity. (Total weight together with the above mould &
surcharge weight is equivalent to 140 kg/sq. cm) dial gauge 0.01mm x 50mm
travel. Extension piece 25mm for dial gauge.
Unconfined Compression Testing Machine |
CODE NO. - NTI-SI-032 |
Unconfined Compression Testing Machine
- Unconfined Compression Testing Machine, Manual
Unconfined Compression Testing of soil is a quick and simple method to
study the behaviour of soil. This is generally done on cohesive soils.
In this test, specimen is subjected to uniaxial compression without any
lateral support. The equipment can be used for determining the
unconfined compression strength of cohesive soil specimens of 38mm,
50mm, 75mm and 100mm dia size.
The equipment comprises of the following
- One loading unit, 50 kN (5000 kgf) capacity with three rates of
- One top platen with spring and ball seat arrangement
- One bracket: for dial gauge mounting
- One adaptor for proving ring
- One extra plate for lower platen
- One spanner
- Unconfined Compression Testing Machine, Motorised
The Compression Testing is suitable for operation on 220 volts, 50 Hz.,
Single Phase, AC Supply.
- Unconfined Compression Testing Machine, Motorised, Digital
Same as above but with Digital read out
Meets: - IS: 2720 (Part 10),
Grain Size Analysis |
CODE NO. - NTI-SI-033 |
Grain Size Analysis (Pipette Method)
Meets:- IS 2720 (PART IV) AND BS 1377:2.
This is for the determination of the sub sieve particle distribution in a
soil sample by mechanical analysis. An analysis of this kind expresses
quantity the proportions by weight of the various sizes of particles present
in the soil. It is recommended as a standard procedure to use dispersion
agent to avoid flocculation. The apparatus consists of a sliding panel which
moves up and down by means of a screw allowing Anderson pipette fixed to it
to be raised or lowered vertically. A sedimentation tube is held by a
laboratory clamp provided on the stand below the pipette. The depth of
immersion is measured by a scale graduated in mm at the side of the sliding
panel. Supplied complete with Anderson pipette 10ml. At the side capacity
made from glass, and a sedimentation tube also of glass of 500ml capacity
and 50nos. Test form pads.
Soil Lathe Motorised
This instrument is used for preparing soil samples
for various tests like Triaxial Test, Unconfined Compression Test etc. Soil
lathe consist of a cabinet enclosing motor and gear system whichrotates a
disk at 24 R.P.M. this disc adopts gripper plate of various size. An up
right has an adjustable holder and takes upper gripper plates of different
diameters. Arrangement is provided to control height and depth of cutting
tool through a lead screw which has speeds 0.8mm/min. and 1.6mm/min.
Supplied complete with gripper plate pairs for 38mm, 50mm, 75mm, and 100mm
dia specimens.
Shrinkage Limit Apparatus |
CODE NO. - NTI-SI-035 |
Shrinkage Limit Apparatus
Shrinkage Limit is the maximum water content at
which a reduction in water content does not cause an appreciable reduction
in volume of the soil mass. At shrinkage limit, on further reduction in
water, air enters into the voids of soils and thus keeps the volume
constant. The apparatus can be used to determine shrinkage limit and to
calculate other shrinkage factors like shrinkage ratio, shrinkage index and
volumetric shrinkage.
Set consists of one each
- Porcelain evaporating Dish
- Shrinkage Dish
- Glass Cup
- Perspex plate with three metal prongs
- Perspex plate.
- Flexible spatula
- Glass cylinder 25ml x 0.5mlsupplied without mercury.
Proving Rings |
CODE NO. - NTI-SI-36 |
Proving Rings
Proving ring is generally made of steel to give
strength, sensitivity and stability to ensure long life for machine.
Generally the capacity of proving ring (compression and
tension-compression) is 5KN (500 kgf). The loading bosses have female
threading ½ inches B.S.F. Tension-compression rings have their integral
loading bosses male threaded, ¼ inches diameter capacity are provided
for use when loading in compression.
If our client wants we calibrate it ourselves and if required by our party
we can make arrangement of calibration from Government Test House.
Capacity Available
Avaliable From 2 KN to 3000 KN Capacity